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Another “Small Grant” from the University of Zielona Góra

Prof. Justyna Patalas Maliszewska, the Deputy Rector for Science and International Cooperationof of the University of Zielona Góra (UZ), home institution of the AΦR, awarded Tomasz Mróz with a “Small Grant”. These internal grants are distributed by the Rector annually among those researchers of UZ, who have submitted their proposals to the National Science Centre (NCN), received positive assessements from the experts, yet finally have not been granted funding.
The aim of the “Small Grant” for AΦR is a preliminary research on the legacy of Bohdan Kieszkowski (1904-1997), an expert in Renaissance Italian Platonism. Funding will be spent on library research and attending an international conference.

This is the second “Small Grant” awarded to the AΦR research group.
The previous one was announced here.
Professor Ryszard Palacz Passed Away

It is with profound grief and heavy heart that we announce the demise of our dear professor, superior and supervisor, teacher and friend, Professor Ryszard Palacz (1935-2024), who died in his house near Warsaw on October, 19th. For decades he worked in the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, but was also able to gain valuable experience in numerous research and academic institutions in France, Germany, Canada, Italy and Spain. His decades long research was focused on mediaeval philosophy and its various aspects.
Professor Palacz was the founder of the history of philosophy section in the University of Zielona Góra and had a great, personal or indirect, impact on all historians of philosophy here. During his work in Zielona Góra he succesfully supervised one Ph.D. candidate and encouraged his colleagues to take up research in various areas of the history of philosophy. Thus the activities of the Ancient Φilosophy Reception research group can be considered as a part of his lasting legacy, all the more so that He himself investigated the reception of Aristotelianism on mediaeval philosophers in the 12th and 13th centuries.
Requiescat in pace!

Conference Annoucement!

As we have already informed, AΦR co-operates with the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Hradec Králové (FF UHK), in a project titled Oral History and the Classics.
One of the acitivities of the project team, led by prof. Jaroslav Daneš, Ph.D., is organising an international conference in Hradec Králové, which will be held on June 1st-3rd, 2024. The title of the conference is: Classics: the Past, the Present, and the Future. “Classics”, certainly, includes the history of research on ancient philosophy and its reception. Deadline for submissions is in March and the keynote speakers are professors Frisbee Sheffield, Neville Morley, Sophie Mills, Filip Karfík, and Cinzia Bearzot.
The most up to date information on the conference is available on the conference website: memoryclassics.eu
Late submissions will still be considered!!!
This post will be updated.
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