Consultation Visit in FF UHK

As we have already announced here, AΦR actively cooperates in pursuing a research project funded by the Faculty of Philosophy University of Hradec Králové (FF UHK) and it is necessary to discuss issues appearing in the initial phase of our cooperation. A meeting devoted to identifying and solving such problems took place on March 28th, 2023, in the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, UHK (photo of the Faculty main building on the right).
Jaroslav Daneš and Tomasz Mróz (both on the photo) agreed on the criteria of selecting scholars, Polish experts in ancient philosophy, who will be invited to share their unique, personal experiences of developing their decade long careers. It will be both interesting and instructive for young scholars and researchers to learn the objectives that previous generations had to overcome, support they received etc. Moreover, preliminary schedule of interviews was arranged and various technicalities were discussed.

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