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The counter started on Jan. 27th, 2022.

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    Current projects:

    1) 2024-2025: project funded by the Deputy Rector of the University of Zielona Góra in an internal “Small Grants” call. Funding will be spent on preliminary research on Bohdan Kieszkowski (1904-1997), a specialist in Renaissance Italian Platonism, and his legacy. The head of the project is Tomasz Mróz.

    Past projects:

    2) 2023-2024: project funded by the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Hradec Králové (FF UHK) in the Internal Grant Competition of FF UHK for International Research Teams. Title of the project is Oral History and Classics. Principal investigator is doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Daneš, Ph.D. (FF UHK) and Tomasz Mróz is his Polish collaborator (UZ). All entries tagged with “oral history” report on works resulting from this project.

    3) 2021-2024: project funded by National Science Centre on Henryk Jakubanis (1879-1949), a classics scholar and historian of ancient philosophy, who started his academic career at the University in Kyiv and after the World War I took a position at the University of Lublin. The final aim of the project is to produce a doctoral dissertation on Jakubanis as a researcher of ancient philosophy. All entries tagged with “H. Jakubanis” report on works which resulted from this project.

    4) 2023-2024: project funded by the Deputy Rector of the University of Zielona Góra in an internal “Small Grants” call. Funding will be spent on developing co-operation with Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University, on ancient philosophical legacy and its reception. The head of the project is Tomasz Mróz.

    5) 2023: project funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. The beneficiary of the project was Mariam Sargsyan who was able to spent three months of the scholarship at the Aleksander-Brückner-Zentrum für Polenstudien, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle.

    6) 2018-2022: project funded by National Science Centre on Stanisław Lisiecki (1872-1960), a forgotten classics scholar, a translator of presocratics, Plato and Aristotle. The project consists of editing a collection of his texts and preparing studies devoted to his life and academic legacy. The project was concluded in 2022 with a monograph book on his life and works. Entries tagged with “S. Lisiecki” report on works which resulted from this project.

    7) 2017-2021: National Programme for the Development of Humanities, funded by the Ministry of Science, sponsored the project: Plato in Poland 1800-1950. The aim of the project was to re-write in English and publish a book which had previously appeared in Polish. The project was concluded in 2021 with a book Plato in Poland 1800-1950. Types of reception – authors – problems (Academia Verlag/Nomos, Baden Baden 2021).