Ancient Φilosophy Reception research group consists of:

Adrian Habura, M.A., a student in doctoral school, he held a scholarship in an NCN project on S. Lisiecki for over two years and currently works on his Ph.D dissertation on Władysław Tatarkiewicz’s reception and interpretation of Aristotle. E-mail:

Mariam Sargsyan Araraty, M. A., an Armenian by origins and citizenship, joined AΦR research group in October 2021 as a beneficiary of National Science Centre scholarship scheme Preludium Bis 2 and, subsequently, as a student in doctoral school, Moreover, she was a beneficiary of NAWA scholarship and spent 3 months in Aleksander-Brückner-Zentrum für Polenstudien (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle) in 2023. She has currently completed her dissertation on Henryk Jakubanis’ research in ancient philosophy and awaits for the doctoral procedure to start. E-mail:
Persons who permanently cooperate with AΦR group:
Jonas Čiurlionis, Ph.D., started to cooperate with AΦR research group in the autumn of 2021, when he was appointed as an auxiliary supervisor for the thesis of A. Habura. J. Čiurlionis teaches at Vilnius University (Lithuania) and researches philosophical principles of ancient scientific ideas, including those of Aristotle, their development and reception. More information on his activities can be found here.

Doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Daneš, Ph.D. had started to cooperate with members of AΦR research group long before the group was established, e.g. on occasion of a conference on reception of ancient political ideas. He works as an associate professor in the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Hradec Králové. His research interests include ancient Greek political theories, esp. theory of war in philosophy and tragedy, and related issues. In 2023-2024 doc. Daneš is a principal investigator in a research project funded by his Faculty for international research teams. The project is titled Oral History and Classics and T. Mróz is a collaborator in this undertaking.
Una Maclean-Hańćkowiak, M.A., is a person who patiently polishes our English books and papers.
People who effectively cooperated with AΦR group:
Anna Droś, M.A., until 2019 she worked on AΦR topics and co-operated in a research project on S. Lisiecki.
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